..and Who 'Suicided' Tracy R. Twyman?*

Sean Bryan Alger aka S.B. Alger "A Conspiracy Theories Expert".. in his words & other 'Statements', would know.
Did God suggest, and commanded S.B. Alger & Lee Taylor to undo Tracy R. Twyman?

Turtle Head S. B. Alger

Turtle Head S. B. Alger

"..skinny drug whores were my addiction."
S.B. Alger

Be Aware that Tracy R. Twyman and Tracy Twyman's Estate bear no relation to the Trash that is promoting itself at the expense of Tracy R. Twyman.

The Alger Defendants: jointly and severally liable for $52,136.80.

...and this is just a part of the Attorney Fees, and in a civil case..

"Thou Shalt Not Steal"

S. B. Alger needs to Repent to God
Repent to God
Repent to God
Repent to God

"..struck by somebody she felt was a friend of hers.."

Lee (Alicia) Taylor Text Message via Sean Bryan Alger Phone to Tracy Twyman:  Sean Alger: 4:18 PM On our way.  Sean Alger: This is Lee Sean's girlfriend Imao so we are now on our way to the correct address 4:22 PM
Lee Taylor (and Sean Bryan Alger) fits Sloan Bella's description on Tracy Twyman's murderers, in contrast to S.B. Alger accusations:  "..struck by somebody she felt was a friend of hers.."


Repent to God!
For Hell is Here & Near!

Repent to God
Repent to God
Repent to God

"made to look like a suicide,"

A very plausible statement:
For both S.B. Alger and his girlfriend Nurse Lee Taylor do work with immobile patients.
Thus, moving and placing an 'immobile', limp', and 'drugged' person, like Tracy Twyman, in a desired position "to look like a suicide" would be a nationally certified expertise of both S.B Alger and Lee Taylor

Contact Name: Lee Taylor Contact Info: Email & Direct Job Title: Counterintelligence Officer Location: United States, District of Columbia, Washington, D.C. Company: U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs Name: www.va.gov

An Expert on Abuse
S.B. Alger abusing one of his Disabled & Immobile Clients..

A Coward with no Dignity nor Humanity

Reddit: sewneo (S.B. Alger):  "Very Gnostic. Oh! Btw... for some reason... Devout Muslims in wheelchairs made me LOL> I felt horrible."

A Legal Notice
* By the Law, Nurse Alicia Lee Taylor is obliged to report Sean Bryan Alger to the authorities for his gruesome misconduct against the disabled that he was hired to service; and this was motivated by ‘Hate’ which makes it also a Hate Crime.

S.B. Alger had the audacity to attest to his crime publicly in Reddit and taking pride in so.

This legal obligation is due to the role of the "Mandated Reporter", which Lee Taylor falls under.

License #200540121RN
NPI: 1457476392


Reddit: sewneo (S.B. Alger):  "I just make sure they know I'm really crazy and dangerous too..."

Why this key information regarding Tracy Twyman's death was dismissed?
"..somebody she knew.. posing as a husband and wife."
Hence, once again:

Facebook Profile: Lee Lee RELATIONSHIP [to Sean Alger]: In a relationship See photos of Sean and Lee
Discord: S. B. Alger: I was following the Holy Spirit
..to do or to undo "Skinny drug whores"?
..to do or to undo "Skinny drug whores"?
Discord S. B. Alger "like the holy ghost was yelling at me"
Discord S. B. Alger "But the spirit was speaking there too"
Auditory Hallucinations
Possessed by Demons..? Schizophrenia?
Or is it just Trash Talk, from a Trash?


Reddit: sewneo (S.B. Alger):  "I just make sure they know I'm really crazy and dangerous too..."
Discord S.B. Alger: "I'm reluctant to relay what I know about Tracy and God..."

Were they Fucking?


"Keeping an Eye on the Bitch" Since 1984 Productions


Tracy Twyman and Tracy Twyman Estate are not affiliated with the parties of "S. B. Alger", a.k.a. "Sean Alger", "Sean Bryan Alger", "SB Alger", "S B Alger"; 'S. B. Alger Studio', nor 'James Maiden', a.k.a. "Jim Maiden", nor 'Weaving Spider Web'.
Please be advised that the parties above are not hired nor endorsed by Tracy Twyman Estate.

Absolutely the parties above do not, nor their statements do represent Tracy Twyman nor the estate in any form.

The presumed association of the parties above with Tracy R. Twyman's image is fraudulent and did necessitate a legal action from Tracy R. Twyman Estate.

Nor the parties listed, are equipped with the sufficient intellectual capacity and necessary culture, nor do demonstrate a history of such, as the moral character is lacking, to postulate valid public "statements" regarding Tracy R. Twyman body of work, and "statements" regarding the histories of the late Tracy R. Twyman life and career.

Including statements that are advertised publicly by the parties above, regarding Tracy Twyman's 'religion' and "system of beliefs", and statements addressing her mental state and mental health and the circumstances of Tracy's death.

Tracy Twyman, and her Estate, do not uphold nor are part of the "religion" and "system of beliefs" of the aforementioned parties

Nor Tracy Twyman, nor her Estate are part of 'Rx Only Picture Show' Discord servers activities including those of the moderators; nor are affiliated, nor endorse the "hate speech" statements that are expressed publicly within these servers including but not limited to statements that are defined as 'antisemitism' and express a sentiment of antisemitism.

 We absolutely do not tolerate hate, nor 'hate speech' in any form or expression.
Such is also against our ideology, ideals, humanism and what the Estate stands for.